Download the entire collection of historical introductions in PDF format
- The Book of Concord
- The Three Ecumenical Creeds
- The Augsburg Confession
- Melanchthon’s Alterations to the Augsburg Confession
- The Pontifical Confutation of the Augsburg Confession
- The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
- The Smalcald Articles and the Tract Concerning the Power and Primacy of the Pope
- Luther’s Efforts at Restoring Catechesis
- The Small and the Large Catechisms of Luther
- The Smalcald War and the Augsburg and Leipzig Interims
- Controversies Following the Interim and Settled by the Formula of Concord
- The Adiaphoristic Controversy
- The Majoristic Controversy
- The Synergistic Controversy
- The Flacian Controversy
- The Osiandrian and Stancarian Controversies
- The Antinomistic Controversy
- The Crypto-Calvinistic Controversy
- Controversy over Christ’s Descent into Hell
- The Eleventh Articles of the Formula of Concord: On Predestination
- Luther and Article XI of the Formula of Concord
- Article XII of the Formula of Concord: Of Other Heretics and Sects
- Origin, Subscription, Character, etc., of the Formula of Concord